5 tips for higher productivity and more relaxation!

Wouldn't it be amazing to be in that picture!

Yes, please!

How do we make that happen when time, money, and energy are being exhausted?

Living a busy life is common today. We all have lists, "Notes" in our mobile phone for all our areas of life - work, uni, the kids, the dog, the cat, finances, friends, family, the house, the car.... it's endless. For many the goal is to complete your day, your week, your month, or even your year with incomplete actions or goals! It's like tabs open in the brain each day! Too many tabs open for a sustained period of time = stress where fatigue creeps in.

Stress and fatigue can become health issues both mental and physical, so strategies in place to avoid or minimise stress and fatigue are key.

Try these 5 tips for productivity which can be used at work, in business, at home, while study.

If you know someone who may find these tips helpful, feel free to share with friends and family.

1. Have crystal clear priorities.

Being clear on your focus, crystal clear and to the point. Your most important and urgent tasks or projects, your top 3 things to complete today, this week, this month, this year what would they be. Set these in advance of the period, for example your 3 focus areas for tomorrow, try setting these out the afternoon or evening prior. This way you are organised for the day before the day. It's like laying out your clothes the night before!

Keep in mind that not everything should be completed by you. Tap into other team members for support, delegate, eliminate tasks where appropriate.

2. Know your peak energy periods.

Everyone is unique. Some people are most productive in the morning, others the afternoon, and some during the evenings and late at night. Grouping certain work to these periods of the day is working at your best performance points. It's not always possible but if you can schedule time daily or weekly at your peak energy periods you will find yourself focused, energised, achieving and productive.

3. At the beginning of your day, leave your email, messages closed.

If your priorities for the day are clear and ready, starting these at the beginning of your day when the body is naturally in high focus energy stage without being hijacked by an email or message which in most instances is a to do or priority by another person's perspective, you will find your focus, completion and achievements will be at a high performance level.

Responding to emails and messages generally does not consume a high level of concentration so can be timed to later parts of the days or break period. Maintain max concentration to high concentration tasks is an effective strategy to high productivity.

4. Set time and sprint.

The human body is naturally programmed to maintain concentration for up to 45mins, after this a short break is needed. 5 - 10 mins is ideal. If you can section your work into short and sharp sprints you will find yourself ticking off you To Do list quickly which will activate your body Dopamine which will motivate and entice you to keep going and achieving.

5. Remove all distractions.

A lack of focus and distractions are your biggest enemy of productivity.

Psychology studies show us that once distracted it can take between 10-20mins to regain deep focus and concentration on the task prior to the distraction. If you become distracted 4 times, you could lose up to 1hour and 20mins per day unproductive, or 7 hours and 6mins a week. That's a whole day a week!

Removing all your distractions will be one of your biggest productivity improvements. Examples include mobile phones, ipads, device notifications including email, TVs, highly verbal people you know the chatty ones!

Hot Tip - - If you find your mind wandering whilst you are completing a task, write down the wandering thoughts so you can come back to them at a later stage whilst you keep working on your priorities!

Simple techniques to being highly productive and with time to relax.

If you would like more solutions and tools to calm and growth to your business:

AGILITY BUSINESS | Making business life easier from the first conversation

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