What Motivates You, Motivates the Outcome!

Many of us spend a considerable amount of time setting goals, KPI’s, and action lists and then wonder why the actions, list, and to do’s haven’t budged!

You start asking questions -

  • was it the person,

  • the role,

  • the design of the role,

  • you leadership, or

  • a mis match between all three, or

  • a mis match between the person and the role!

We are strong advocates for aligning the Right Role, Right Person, Right Bus, in the Right Direction! If any one of these elements is misaligned then the bus ride will look and feel out of control! Remember, Speed the movie!

So, what if role design took into consideration he type of motivators that would best suit it?

For Example, someone motivated by saving for a house or paying down a large debt such as a mortgage or education loan. They maybe motivated by MONEY and EARNING, AND what if you are hiring for a Sales position!

The alignment of motivators, skills, and opportunity are the ingredients for performance success!


Role design is a crucial skill to ensure you attract and hire the best available skills. To review and realign the motivators and roles for performance and success in your business, our Consulting and Coaching service will best serve you. Contact Us today!

Understanding your and their Motivators are important to life, work, career, and business success! Visit our store and download What Motivates You, or Them.

AGILITY BUSINESS | Where Ambition intersects with Science of Business and People.

Disclaimer - This information is designed to be general business and employment information. You should seek professional advice that is based on your business circumstances prior to its use. Purchasing and/or utilising any of our templates, tools, agreements, documents does not constitute professional advice including legal advice.  


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Business Value: How to Build It Today So It’s Ready For Tomorrow.