How to Solve Problems in Uncertainty

In a world where uncertainty seems to be the only certainty, or where problems seem to rain and reign (!), mastering the art of problem-solving becomes crucial.

Whether you're facing a business challenge, a personal dilemma, or a professional speedhump, the ability to navigate uncertainty and make clear and decisive decisions can make all the difference.

Here are some strategies that we tap into to help Clients, like you, tackle problems in uncertain times.

  1. Why:

    The first question we always ask after a problem or challenge has hit our desk by a Client. โ€œWhy do you think this occurred?โ€. It takes a moment to step away from the issue, to look at it from a distance and with a wider lense thatโ€™s more objective than subjective in emotion, protection or ego. Keep asking โ€œWhy?โ€! Youโ€™ll know your at the core, when you run out of responses to the question, or the body language substantially shifts! Unless you deal with the core, you are merely responding by applying bandaids!

    The choice of questions and the gumption to listen lies in whether you want to know the core issue (whatโ€™s deep below the surface) or surface issue! Your decision will then become a sustainable correction or a bandaid fix! You decide.

  2. Be Brave, Non Judging, and Open:

    Gathering information and talking to people about challenges, their needs, or their experience may be difficult but at times the answers can be a struggle to hear! But brace and be brave, and listen to hear, you may find nuggets of pure gold that will craft your decision into one that is better than you could have imagined!

  3. Gather Information:

    Take the time to gather relevant data, insights, and perspectives from diverse sources both from those directly related to the challenge and those indirectly where possible including your business network, coach who may have experience similar, even those outside your business can provide valuable industry insights or ideas for your consideration such as Challenge Assessed by Agility Business or our Impact Hour service. Sometimes these perspectives can provide insights, contrasts and well roundedness in decisions. It takes a brave, non judging and open mind to do so, because you may need to ask questions of people that may provide information you donโ€™t want to hear. But this will help you better understand the problem and identify potential solutions that may work better.

  4. Break It Down:

    Break down the problem into smaller, more manageable tasks or components, and then prioritise. The rest can wait, whilst you apply triage, focus, time, or oxygen masks to the problem faced! By focusing on one step at a time, you can reduce the mental load, create small steps and momentum, and make progress even in the midst of uncertainty.

  5. Prepare for Scenarios for the Outcome you require or desire:

    If you a Business Owner, this is your opportunity to ensure the decision of improvement resides inline with your business outcome or hope, then achor the improvement steps towards that outcome.

    Recognise that uncertainty and challenges can bring the possibility of unexpected outcomes. Collaborate with others and prepare for various scenarios through scenario planning. Itโ€™s a great way to consider alternative courses of action and anticipate potential challenges and impacts along the way. You and your team will become better equipped to respond than react! Remember, all those practice fire drills!

  6. Test, Review, and Iterate:

    Instead of waiting for certainty before taking action, embrace experimentation. Test your ideas on a small scale, gather feedback, and iterate based on what works and what doesn't. This process not only builds resilience, but can span new ideas, and create momentum of new opportunities, not to mention flex the muscle of change, adapting, and the almighty bounce back. All skills essential to excellent problem solving!

  7. Learn from What Worked, and What Didnโ€™t:

    Embrace mistakes, the errors, the lessons, the trials as valuable feedback and use them to refine your approach. By adopting a growth mindset by โ€˜what do we test next?โ€, you can turn setbacks into stepping stones towards success.

  8. Stay Agile:

    Finally, remain agile and adaptable in your problem-solving approach. As circumstances evolve and new challenges arise, understand what the important levers of success in your business are, protect and enhance those whilst you solve the challenges presented and be prepared to pivot and adjust your strategies accordingly. By staying agile, you can thrive!

In conclusion, while uncertainty may be inevitable, it doesn't have to paralyse us. By applying these strategies and embracing uncertainty as an opportunity for growth and innovation, we can become more effective problem-solvers, navigate uncertain times with confidence and maybe even surprise ourselves and inspire others!.

How Can We Help You!

If you're facing challenges or problems in business that you just need another perspective on, fresh ideas, check out Challenge Assessed, or Impact Hour service! It could be just the solution!

AGILITY BUSINESS | Making business life easier from the first conversation!

Disclaimer - This information is designed to be general business and employment information. You should seek professional advice that is based on your business circumstances prior to its use. Purchasing and/or utilising any of our templates, tools, agreements, documents does not constitute professional advice including legal advice.  


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